Monday, January 19, 2009

Oatmeal Awards

Award shows are always followed by people who anticipate who will win like they'll die if they don't see their pick chosen. I am not one of these people. However, the Grammy's always catch my attention the most out of all the award shows. Not the show and what it brings, but the name. I know that the name represents gramophones but everytime I hear it, I think of old people. Like one would receive a grampy or grammy for best performance. When I hear "The Grammy's..." the thoughts in my head include:
*Old beige sweaters
*The smell of oatmeal and raisins
Then sanity returns and I think of red carpets and little metallically painted trophies that I still don't know what you'd do with. I'd probably end up using it as a paperweight or stow it on a shelf as a place of honor and forget that its there. Anyway, watch the Grammy's on Feb. 8 and alright... so I do want Jack White and Alecia Keys to win for Best Short Music Video, so break a leg guys! Anyway, I must climb the mountains of laundry I have to finish so I bid you farewell for now. Go feed Roy off to the right... he's hungry. Yes, that's the hamster.
(The Grammys are on Febuary 8th, on CBS)


  1. I love old beige sweaters! They remind me of the oatmeal!!

  2. Ha ha... I've grown less and less fond of them for some mysterious reason!
