Wednesday, January 21, 2009

15 Things From my Life

I took a look around my room and saw:
*4 candles in the shape of life size apples including a wick in the shape of a stem
*2 guitars
*A cloak
*2 glass bottles that contained Coca-Cola at some point in time
*5 orange Tic-Tac boxes (empty)
*A finger sized foam finger(obviously)
*A box of Q- tips
*2 small fake daggers (Halloween)
*A plastic cauldron which contains my camera and tripod
*A dirt biking jersey
*8 yellow lockers (all together)
*4 pairs of Converse
*2 tiny rubber ducks,(one green with clovers, the other a wood nymph)
*Christmas lights framing my very small cave of a room
*A sofa bed and a chair ( don't know what this says about me)
Well, there you go, 15 things. I did it! You should try this! It feels oddly refreshing!


  1. Orange Tic Tacs are hot.

  2. Ys. Yes they are. But I love them.

  3. Here are my 15 things

    1. A box of True Lemon
    2. Red n Black Bike
    3. My Spiderman Figurines
    4 Four Pair of New Balance
    5. A Snow Globe
    6. My various hair pieces
    7.My CD Walkman..yup i still have one
    8. Clean Linen candle
    9 My 3 cowboy hats
    10. My Bible
    12. My two journals
    13 disposable camera
    14.Gallon of jug of water
    15. Wind Chimes(in remembrance of my dad)

  4. Haha! Yay! Thanks for tying it! Poor little Walkman... I thought I had some old technology with my Apple Mini!
