Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Got to Find a Country and a Disney Princess

This is gonnna be short as my computer is going to shut off any minute now. I'm eating animal crackers, looking up countries for foreign exchange programs, and trying to remember what I did in school today. Oh, and sleep sometime tonight if I can. The animal crackers are making me very very confused. I just got one that looks like a hybrid of an ape, a really fat lemur, and a bear. Or my science substitute from a while back that had man boobs and a pregnant- like stomach and would always yell some random line at the begginning of class just to scare everyone. Yeah, I think it's him. I mean the thing is even hunched over like he would right after he yelled as if his yelling had broken something in his spine, which quite possibly could've been the case. And frequently. Anyway, I have to go finish my script from Sweeney Todd and find a way to stick a Disney Princess into it and not change any of their lines at all. This should be interesting. As my former science sub so famously shoute all of the time: "WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARDUST!!!!!!" *cough cough* I think my back just cracked...

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to incorperate a princess into anything. For example: my screenname. All you have to do is have some female charecter somehow manage to get into mortal peril, beg to be saved, be saved and then marry thier prince charming.

    BTW, I love your blog espectaly Roy!

    I am also a rather odd teenager with a bloggy mom.
