Monday, January 5, 2009


Well, I've made it through the day! It took all of my ninja powers to do it though.
Every teacher in the entire school thinks it's a good idea to load us down with as much as they can to "prepare" us for finals. 'Cause more essays and tests might just decrease our sleep a little less. Sometimes, you have to do more work to get better grades, and teachers seem to look at finals like a special occasion or something, but honestly, you're not the only teacher that wants to add onto my already 10 pound book bag and 15 hours of work. When we come to school the next morning and we're all falling asleep, hopefully you'll remember that we do have 5-6 other classes, each with their own teacher who wants us to succeed with their tests too and so they prepare us the same way. Any child still perky and cheery, is probably a vampire who can't sleep in the first place. Well, I've procrastinated enough on here, although I think this rates up higher on the intellectual scale then video games do.
Goodbye and good(sleepless)night ,

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