Thursday, September 24, 2009
Kittens, Eyeballs, and 107 Degree Heat, Oh My!
I am dead tired. Like physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. Once again, I have to apologize for not writing anything recently, but this time I totally have a legit excuse! Well, maybe. Since my last post, I've adopted two hyperactive kittens that now live in my room almost full time, have stayed up more than 7 hours to complete one assignment for a class (not surprising that it was for an honors course), and run a mile in 107 degree weather. Hopefully you know that it as been 107 degrees Farenheit. If not, I'm concerned for you and me because either you need to re-evaluate your thought processing skills or I'm gonna need some freakin' good air conditioning! And on a completely un-related note, kittens apparentely can learn how to drink from a straw by watching you drink your Starbucks. Just sayin. Anywho, along with my tiring schedule of kittens, hw, kittens, hw, kittens, sleep, kittens, sleep; I also have school during the day which is just about the final blow. Today I woke up, rolled out of bed and rushed my tired self to school, just in time for my first class, science. Thank goodness I thought! I'm not late and I had time to grab the comp book I've been needing! I sit down expecting the usual boring lecture about light waves that were cool for like two days. Two weeks, not so much. But oh! A new topic today! The human eye?! That's great! Something new, something to keep me from falling asleep! Wait, why are you putting on gloves? What's in that bucket? Oh. Then I wasn't so excited. The bucket was full of cow eyeballs that were still in the preserved eye socket. And she held one right over my desk. I almost puked and/or cryed. Suddenly, she puts it back and is searching for a different example, but none of the nine in there are meeting her expectations. She says and I quote: "Hmm.... I think it's in one of the other buckets." It's horrible enough to have one eyeball in your possession, but to have three buckets full of eyeballs sloshing around in their preservative juice? Now that is just wrong and very frightening. She also told the girl in the back to look in the cabinet right above her desk for cow eye bucket #3. But look out because the other body parts might fall out if you aren't careful! Everybody's heads slowly crane towards her, slightly fearful and very concerned. She says nervously: "Oh, they're not human! Nervous laugh...cough... cough." Umm...I think I need to get a pass to the bathroom... and never come back. And now,once again on an un-related note, the kittens are biting my toe. A clear sign that it is time to sleep because I might mess up their important mid- morning play time if I'm not asleep soon. So, I bid you all adieu and goodnight, Eilidh.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Yes, I have been gone a long time. No, there still isn't a good reason why.
I've been busy, it happens. Then I came back and noticed that I still have followers (gasp!)and was so astounded you people didn't just click that button and un-follow me in frustration. I could have possibly run away to the circus, or something, you never know! But I guess now you know whether I did or not. Hmm... I need to work on my little white lie telling skills. So back to the original topic, I decided to write something for you lovely people. I've been apart of a play, went on a short 2 week vacation (that seemed like forever...) and started school since I last talked to you lot. Seems like a very long time to me but in reality all of these things have happened rather quickly. For school, they asked us to fill out a questionnaire and I felt like making my own to sum up my life as of recently. I am: A.) Dead Tired, B.) watching an Elvis vs. Michael Jackson documentary instead of finishing homework, C.) having a fit over being forced to deal with psychotic teachers, or D.) all of the above.
Can you guess which one is correct? (really not that difficult...)
Anywho, sorry about this one being rather short but I need to finally sleep as it is Friday and I am just tired of typing now. Goodnight and promises to write much more often!
Can you guess which one is correct? (really not that difficult...)
Anywho, sorry about this one being rather short but I need to finally sleep as it is Friday and I am just tired of typing now. Goodnight and promises to write much more often!
The answer was D. Just so you know.
Friday, May 15, 2009
I had too much sugar
I'm tired. And my bones are achey and I have an essay to write. A script to memorize. Tweets to put up. I know. None of these are good enough excuses as to why I haven't written a post in months. And they make me sound a bit like an 80 year old. But I've also been spending time on watching movies about vampires and auditioning for things! Still not good enough... I know... But out of all the horribly exciting things I've been up to, I'm not going to post anything about them. I want to say that the economy should be the cause behind people working hard and long shifts and jobs to pay for regular daily fees. But today I received tsomething that makes me believe that many are slacking off and falling asleep on the job. I received TWO spoons in my Wendy's take out bag. That's right. Two. It's practically a crime. You don't put two spoons in someone's meal bag! What if this makes the customer think that the person working at the spoon factory, which in a side note here is where I've always dreamed of working, is telling them they need to eat double the usual amount of ice cream or other assorted food that you eat with a spoon because the are much too skinny. Then this hypothetical person, shall we call her Sally, eats 2x what she was planning and ends up severly overweight over the years. Then she starts puking it out to make herself skinny again and destroys her self-image. So this lazy person probably half-asleep has ruined Sally's life. Or it could just mean that I have an overactive imagination. It's just me huh? Anyway...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Thoughts
It's Easter. Yay! ...I think. It's a day to honor of Jesus rising from the dead and a day to eat free cnady. Which is always a good holiday in my opinion. Easter is almost always a day with good weather and little kids dressed up in church clothes, looking through grass and dirt to find brightly colored eggs. Which is all good fun. I kinda miss the whole time when I was a litttle kid and I still believed in all the fantastical creatures that come and leave you things while you're sleeping. Which seems like it could be a good thing, but I've always been a pretty wary of that idea. Even now, I'm worried that some stupid rabbit looking like a huge dark shadow is gonna walk across my floor and leave me a basket of unknown origion while I'm sleeping. And then he's gonna take food from my fridge and hide it in the back yard. Yeah, real mature! Fine you stupid rabbit. You wear pastels and like to take pictures with little kids on your lap. You watch me while I'm sleeping so you can sneak into my room and leave me undetermined items in a basket, then take my food and hide it so we have to look for it later in trees and bushes. Go team up with Santa and we'll have a mystical perv fest! Yay! Well, have a happy Easter anyways peoples!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I am a Mutant. But not in a Ninja Turtle way.
Don't believe me? Well, it's true! Red hair is created by a mutation of a common hair gene. Weird huh? Always knew there had to be an explanation for my weirdness! My friend keeps telling me I should use it as an excuse. Perhaps: "I got a D on your test? Well, I'm sorry. I have a mutated gene." or "You know, my mutated gene might make it hard for me to run the mile. Sorry!" It might work, who knows? Until my teachers looked it up. Since I learned of this, reheads seem to be following me. Michael Jackson does too, but that is an entirely different matter. Either way, I intend to move Denmark and will most likely never move to Canada. Because the people in Denmark think redheads are lucky and give us our own holiday! Canadians give us a holiday too, but it's a little bit different. "Kick a Ginger Day." It's officially celebrated on November 20 and is being celebrated more and more every year all over the world. And those "mature" bastards based it off a South park episode. I recently watched a vid on youtube on red heads. It is very cleverly titled "Red Hair." Which pretty much sums up everything you could possibly want to know about redheads throughout the history of the world. I love her opinions on the whole Kick a Ginger thing. Quote: " Yah. Smart idea. We have a fiery temper, we're unlucky, and we're f-in crazy. Go ahead and kick me and see what happens!" Haha... so I'll leave you with that video so you can not have to be lazy and not look it up. Here:
Friday, March 20, 2009
Just thought I would write a quick post tonight. Which is odd that I choose to wrote when I have a pretty hectic schedule tonight but when I have hours of time, I do nothing. Oh well, I'm off to get the Twilight DVD at a midnight party with my besties and hopefully it'll be a great night! I'm gonna do my hair up all Alicey and look all pale and see if I convince anybody! Haha... wouldn't that be something? I should stare into space a lot and then start skipping and analyzing people's outfits. Ha, this is gonna be great. Well, I've got to run, so have fun duckies.
Yes, I just called you a duck. Get over it.
Yes, I just called you a duck. Get over it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Got to Find a Country and a Disney Princess
This is gonnna be short as my computer is going to shut off any minute now. I'm eating animal crackers, looking up countries for foreign exchange programs, and trying to remember what I did in school today. Oh, and sleep sometime tonight if I can. The animal crackers are making me very very confused. I just got one that looks like a hybrid of an ape, a really fat lemur, and a bear. Or my science substitute from a while back that had man boobs and a pregnant- like stomach and would always yell some random line at the begginning of class just to scare everyone. Yeah, I think it's him. I mean the thing is even hunched over like he would right after he yelled as if his yelling had broken something in his spine, which quite possibly could've been the case. And frequently. Anyway, I have to go finish my script from Sweeney Todd and find a way to stick a Disney Princess into it and not change any of their lines at all. This should be interesting. As my former science sub so famously shoute all of the time: "WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARDUST!!!!!!" *cough cough* I think my back just cracked...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I'm Not Physic Now, Promise!
I don't recognize myself when I look into a mirror anymore. Don't freak, I just got a haircut. I'm not going all deep on you! I'm not old enough yet, duh. I've always wanted it really short but I've been to scared of that big of a change. I always meant to, it was just never convienent. I didn't want to hate it and have to go to school with it, but then during the summer, I had stuff to do and that was just as bad timing as well. So, everyone went to get my brother's haircut, and I don't know how it happened, but I lost like 10 tons of hair. Seriously. It looked like Clifford, the big red dog has just lost all the hair off his head. So now we have Clifford running off with a bald head and me with extremely short hair. It was a big step, but I'm really glad I did it! I now look like a combination of Alice Cullen (not beacuse of the vacant stares!) and Molly Ringwald from Breakfast Club. Here's the idea put into pictures for all you visual learners:
Alice + Molly = Me

Pictures make the post look so much better! Yay color! Now I've got to go find a scene from Sweeney Todd and find a way to incorporate a Diney princess into it without changing the lines for Drama class ... ah... the sweet smell of random!
Alice + Molly = Me

Pictures make the post look so much better! Yay color! Now I've got to go find a scene from Sweeney Todd and find a way to incorporate a Diney princess into it without changing the lines for Drama class ... ah... the sweet smell of random!
Alice Cullen,
Molly Ringwald,
short hair,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Random Find #1
I stumble along random websites a lot. So to ease my burden of the weirdness, I've decided that I must share some with you! I'll share one picture, video, music file, or anything else that might ome along! Enjoy number one of my random finds becuase soon you will all depend on them! MwahhaaaHaaaaaaaa.... I didn't say anything. Here, enjoy. Just don't ask:

Really! I didn't mean to find this! It came to me! If this is destiny, I'm worried. Like seriously worried now. And if you don't believe me and you think that I made this up with my amazing skills, you're demented. But, maybe I do have a reader somewhere where dementia is accepted freely and crazy people are allowed to use the internet (not meaning me of course), and are skeptical so here's a link for all my favorite wackos:
There, happy now! That was what cam eup and I didn't go through whatever website is in the picture. Now go cry to yourself like I did when I first saw this. Oh, yes there were many tears streaming down my face. Tears of laughter.
Really! I didn't mean to find this! It came to me! If this is destiny, I'm worried. Like seriously worried now. And if you don't believe me and you think that I made this up with my amazing skills, you're demented. But, maybe I do have a reader somewhere where dementia is accepted freely and crazy people are allowed to use the internet (not meaning me of course), and are skeptical so here's a link for all my favorite wackos:
There, happy now! That was what cam eup and I didn't go through whatever website is in the picture. Now go cry to yourself like I did when I first saw this. Oh, yes there were many tears streaming down my face. Tears of laughter.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Crutches are fun!
I should probably clean my room. but I'm not gonna tonight. I'm gonna sleep. I know right! Sleep? It's a new concept for me too. My school district apprently hates my school excusively because we're the only school that starts at 7:25. Guess what time I got up today? 7:18. And I walk to school. It might help that I live about 10 yards from the school because it's in a highly residential area. But that also dosne't help because it's built up and not out. So that means everything is accessible by stairs . And only stairs. Covered in all sorts of disgusting goo and wrappers left from lunch. Oh alright, plus three elevators for the lucky bastards on crutches. Yes, you heard me, people like being injured at my school. Except for right now, beacuse there are only two available! Sorry injured poeple! Have fun getting to your third story classroom without an elevator! Anyways, I had to climb the crowded stairs to get to my Drama class on the second floor and barely made it. It was a perfect example of saved by the bell. I just didn't know I could get ready that fast! Of, course, I DID look like crap for the whole day but at least tommorrow I'll look a little better! Why is that you ask? Because I guess the district was almost sued for the sleep depriving schedule so they give us another hour on Fridays to torture the teachers with droning conferences and let us have a more relaxed morning. And less school! It still seems to take longer though. Now, I must go prepare to lip sync in front of 42 people for class tommorrow. And sleep. Goodnight!
P.S: The trash cans at my school are purple painted toxic waste barrels. Literally. The purple makes them more festive! They aren't bolted down... hmmm....wonder why no one takes em?
P.S: The trash cans at my school are purple painted toxic waste barrels. Literally. The purple makes them more festive! They aren't bolted down... hmmm....wonder why no one takes em?
Friday, February 13, 2009
I Have a Green Thumb but My Plants are Dying Anyway
I was just eating sugary green candy powder in a bag, okay? No need to worry about the health of my thumb. But my plants are dying. You can worry about their health. Anyway, It's Valentine's Eve. I don't have a Valentine this year. Aww.. I know so sad. I'll write more about my sadness tommorrow. More of what sucks is that I went to the orthodontist today. Just to let you know,I hate Ortho appointments just like the majority of people with these modern day racks on their teeth. Today was just a 25 minute appointment. 20 minutes consisted of waiting in a tropically decorated waiting room, the last 5 were to actually fix the strips of metal glued to my choppers. It was pouring rain outside so the rain machines that frames the entrance wasn't making anyone feel like they were being transported to any rain forests or mystical islands. Just made everyone feel as though the rain was somehow following them, everywhere they went. You can never escape the freezing droplets of water! Just try! Hahaha ....okay, that was weird. This is why I shouldn't be left alone. Especially on Valentine's Eve. Anyway, to explain why I had to be dragged back there was because of the klutzy assistant I always seem to get. I'll sum up the last appointment for you:
- She poked me in the eye with a long platic tube that had been sucking up my spit hard enough that I started crying.
- I had a bracket with glue dropped onto my neck then was told "Don't move." Trust me. I didn't. Especially when they reached for it with really sharp tools...
- She left a very sharp metal peice on my bracket, then let me go. I really hate her for that. Let's just say that my lip has been bleeding.
So yeah... the bracket apprently lost some glue or somethin cause it didn't stay on. When they took a look at my teeth, the wonderful, non-klutzy assistant I had today informed me that I didn't need it at all anyway. The whole point of the appointment last time was to put that sucker there! Why the heck did they do that if I didn't need it! I look to one of my favorite movies for the answer:
"Doctors are sadists who like to watch lesser people scream." -Juno
Which I personally believe really describes dentists and or orthodontists if they are really any different more than doctors. Because doctors can help. Sometimes.
- She poked me in the eye with a long platic tube that had been sucking up my spit hard enough that I started crying.
- I had a bracket with glue dropped onto my neck then was told "Don't move." Trust me. I didn't. Especially when they reached for it with really sharp tools...
- She left a very sharp metal peice on my bracket, then let me go. I really hate her for that. Let's just say that my lip has been bleeding.
So yeah... the bracket apprently lost some glue or somethin cause it didn't stay on. When they took a look at my teeth, the wonderful, non-klutzy assistant I had today informed me that I didn't need it at all anyway. The whole point of the appointment last time was to put that sucker there! Why the heck did they do that if I didn't need it! I look to one of my favorite movies for the answer:
"Doctors are sadists who like to watch lesser people scream." -Juno
Which I personally believe really describes dentists and or orthodontists if they are really any different more than doctors. Because doctors can help. Sometimes.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Plastic Hot Dogs and Space Cadets
It's been a long week and a lot of things have changed in my life. I'm no longer in Stick Woman's English class. Ahh...:( I know... no more Stick Woman Chronicles for now, although I still have horrifying past experiences that I can tell you about at a later time. Now I'm in my dream English class, which is great except that I'm leaving behind some really amazing friends in what used to be my only class with them. Next my parents finally have their own shower again after sharing mine for three years! Yes! I can officially bathe without having to ask first! Well, for those of you you who like YouTube, you may have heard of Neil Cicierega, Ryan Murphy, and Max Pacheco. For those of you who don't you need to go get your butt onto Youtube and view their awesome creative works! Recently, Max Pacheco uploaded this video which I think accuratly illistrates my brain working from the moment I wake up to third period. Now go become a fan...
Here, have a Neil Cicierega peice:
Here, have a Neil Cicierega peice:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Meet my School Day. I'm Screaming on the Inside, Really.
I am invisible. People brush past me like I'm air in the hallways. Then I go up the stairs like a salmon going upstream thanks to all the people coming from the third story. Who thought it was a good idea to put the entire football team on the third story during the same period? Escalators could really work here... Finally I reach the tortures of English. My teacher is a stick. Literally. She drinks 10 cups of coffee a day and I would not be suprised if she starts doing cartwheels any second now. The man on the P.A. comes on as he does faithfully every morning however unaware that no one is listening to him. His drone is starting to lull me to sleep. Stick woman says " Shh..." to be a dutiful teacher although she dosen't even look at us when she does that. The P.A. becomes slightly more defined now. I can pick out, " Background... water... Tuesday." Okay, I'll be sure to do that. Stick woman's lecturing us on the evils of soda today. She dosen't understand how people can drink all those sugary drinks all day. It's from a can! She does this all while clapping and jumping up and down. Honestly, I don't care if you think Dr. Pepper is going to cause the apocalypse. Sigh... now it's back down the stairs of hell to endure pilates and step aerobics from Gilad, Israeli workout wonder. L.A. is the only place on Earth where you can stretch for physical eduacation that I know of. Who knew it could make you feel so much like you just got puched? I give nicknames to every single one of the outdated "fit" people that teach us aerobics through cheesy workout videos. Such as liposuction lady, who's obviously had some work done, and The Worm, who has no bones.
Meet Gilad/ Gaylad:

(Thank gosh we don't have to wear those! Ughh... cringe!)
Meet Gilad/ Gaylad:

(Thank gosh we don't have to wear those! Ughh... cringe!)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
High School Madness
Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Forget Mondays!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
15 Things From my Life
*4 candles in the shape of life size apples including a wick in the shape of a stem
*2 guitars
*A cloak
*2 glass bottles that contained Coca-Cola at some point in time
*5 orange Tic-Tac boxes (empty)
*A finger sized foam finger(obviously)
*A box of Q- tips
*2 small fake daggers (Halloween)
*A plastic cauldron which contains my camera and tripod
*A dirt biking jersey
*8 yellow lockers (all together)
*4 pairs of Converse
*2 tiny rubber ducks,(one green with clovers, the other a wood nymph)
*Christmas lights framing my very small cave of a room
*A sofa bed and a chair ( don't know what this says about me)
*A plastic cauldron which contains my camera and tripod
*A dirt biking jersey
*8 yellow lockers (all together)
*4 pairs of Converse
*2 tiny rubber ducks,(one green with clovers, the other a wood nymph)
*Christmas lights framing my very small cave of a room
*A sofa bed and a chair ( don't know what this says about me)
Well, there you go, 15 things. I did it! You should try this! It feels oddly refreshing!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Oatmeal Awards
Award shows are always followed by people who anticipate who will win like they'll die if they don't see their pick chosen. I am not one of these people. However, the Grammy's always catch my attention the most out of all the award shows. Not the show and what it brings, but the name. I know that the name represents gramophones but everytime I hear it, I think of old people. Like one would receive a grampy or grammy for best performance. When I hear "The Grammy's..." the thoughts in my head include:
*Old beige sweaters
*The smell of oatmeal and raisins
Then sanity returns and I think of red carpets and little metallically painted trophies that I still don't know what you'd do with. I'd probably end up using it as a paperweight or stow it on a shelf as a place of honor and forget that its there. Anyway, watch the Grammy's on Feb. 8 and alright... so I do want Jack White and Alecia Keys to win for Best Short Music Video, so break a leg guys! Anyway, I must climb the mountains of laundry I have to finish so I bid you farewell for now. Go feed Roy off to the right... he's hungry. Yes, that's the hamster.
*Old beige sweaters
*The smell of oatmeal and raisins
Then sanity returns and I think of red carpets and little metallically painted trophies that I still don't know what you'd do with. I'd probably end up using it as a paperweight or stow it on a shelf as a place of honor and forget that its there. Anyway, watch the Grammy's on Feb. 8 and alright... so I do want Jack White and Alecia Keys to win for Best Short Music Video, so break a leg guys! Anyway, I must climb the mountains of laundry I have to finish so I bid you farewell for now. Go feed Roy off to the right... he's hungry. Yes, that's the hamster.
(The Grammys are on Febuary 8th, on CBS)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hyper For No Reason!

I am completely nuts right now and have absolutely no reason for posting this! I don't even think I've had sugar today! It must be that I actually got sleep last night...or that I'm listening to the White Stripes's version of Dylan's Outlaw Blues. That always makes me happy and crazy! I should film this burst of craziness so that the world can see my absurd behavior and document it for science...
Outlaw Blues White Stripes Style:
Friday, January 16, 2009
Click the Link!
This post cracked me up so much! You have to go read this:
Where are you Leia?
I am obsessed with the Tim Burton version of Sweeney Todd at the moment. If you give me an hour or two, I can recite every line in order. Taking candid photos of the characters is always a waste of time, but for your viewing pleasure I found this picture of an Italian guy who's not really Italian and wears a blue jumpsuit with bows and also happens to resemble a certain princess...
I know. It's confusing. Can you guess which fictional princess he's suppposed to be?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sugar Rush
In my worst nightmare, my chapter tests last for hours. Unfortunatly, that nightmare came true. So this week has mainly featured a half- zombie me, being tossed like a rag doll by the retarded winds that were SUPPOSED to have died down over a week ago. My hair may officially look like I just ran a blowdryer over my head for the rest of my life. The only thing that has really kept me going this week through the finals and the wind are the endless sugar rushes that I keep giving myself. Yes, that's what the picture is supposed to represent. Not really deep, I know. Get over it. I'm tired. And I don't know whether this is from sleep deprivation or from sugar rushes or that I had too much sun, but during my physical education final, I swear I saw Barney. Maybe it was the winds going in my ear and blowing my sanity away. Anyway, this week I've decided that a person can only eat so much Wendy's and that Skittles Crazy Cores are extremely hard to find in stores. Orange tic-tacs are my absolute favorite flavor of tic-tacs in case you desperatly needed to know. Once, I ate the huge box that said family size in one day. "Less than two calories per mint!" Well, that's fantastic. I've already inhaled the box.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Five More Minutes!
I am one of those people that needs to be shoved forcefully out of bed to fully get going in the mornings. I'm a night person, always saving things till late and not always getting enough sleep. I just work better later on in the day. To make sure I at least know that I have to get up, I have to set two to three alarm clocks. Mine however, are not normal alarm clocks. I make sure nothing around me is particularly normal. They are alarm clocks with farm animals on the face, and each one wakes you up to the cheery sounds of mooing, quacking, or squawking. Quite peaceful really. Being weird of course, the only thing that bothers me about these clocks is the fact that my room is always filled with the sounds of ticking. Just a reminder that a bomb of farm animals are going to scream at me in the morning. And I will most likely shut them up and fall back into a deep sleep.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Most interesting quote of the day:
"Go, Go, Go! We're the squat team! Freeze! (squatting forcefully on the criminals in an attempt to knock them out, one after another.)
----My brother, who does know it's SWAT team. He was just being weird and rather random at the time. At least I think he knows it is. Hmm...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Jello Legs and Golden Plates
I don't understand the purpose of collector plates. I read a news story on the news headlines the other day and it said that the First Lady bought plates worth more than I will have any time soon, to leave in the White House. This just made me think: what the heck is the purpose behind plates? You can't use for anything other than decorative purposes and will cost you some serious moolah if it breaks! Sure, they can look nice, but honestly, is it worth it? And the weird decorative ones with people's faces on them... I didn't understand those even as a child when I would go over to baby-sitters houses's who had them up. Do you need Wizard of Oz plates? Wouldn't it be better to get a picture or something? I just don't see the point behind the decorative Obama plates that you must have on your walls. Rush-order! If you need to see his image every day that badly, buy a picture.
Anyway, we've had two earthquake's today! One about 8:30 a.m., then another one about a half-hour ago that was registered as 4.5-5.0! I will never get used to the feeling of an earthquake! They feel so un-natural! I feel like jello for a good 15 minutes afterward! I'm guessing I'm probably a strawberry flavor, but I haven't tested it. Yet.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I Dressed Up Special For Your Birthday!
One thing I have never understood is why the same girls that wear mini skirts the sizes of hairband and are not caught dead without a mirror must look as unattractive as possible to celebrate their friend's birthday! They do their hair strangely so that it sticks out to the side and hits the person beside them! They do their makeup so hideously, I almost wish it would be the regular caked on variety of "concealer." They wear pajama bottoms, one slipper, one shoe, one knee sock, no sock... you get the picture. Why? What drives you to want to look that way to celebrate things? And the sad thing is, is that they mainly do this to celebrate everything! I've seen girls that do this because they've made a sports team! What?! They wear signs in honor of their celebration so that everyone knows why they do this... kinda. Parents, honestly: Well, if you want to wear a tutu and fairy wings to school to celebrate Melissa's birthday, okay honey!
My friends just give me a card... jeez , I have been seriously bashed! I've decided that if I ever dress up strangely for an occasion and get the day wrong, all I have to do is get a peice of paper, string, and a marker and make a sign that says, "Happy Birthday___________ (fill in any generic name)!Because for some reason that would save me from the laughter of all my fellow classmates. The world makes no sense...
My friends just give me a card... jeez , I have been seriously bashed! I've decided that if I ever dress up strangely for an occasion and get the day wrong, all I have to do is get a peice of paper, string, and a marker and make a sign that says, "Happy Birthday___________ (fill in any generic name)!Because for some reason that would save me from the laughter of all my fellow classmates. The world makes no sense...
Monday, January 5, 2009
Well, I've made it through the day! It took all of my ninja powers to do it though.
Every teacher in the entire school thinks it's a good idea to load us down with as much as they can to "prepare" us for finals. 'Cause more essays and tests might just decrease our sleep a little less. Sometimes, you have to do more work to get better grades, and teachers seem to look at finals like a special occasion or something, but honestly, you're not the only teacher that wants to add onto my already 10 pound book bag and 15 hours of work. When we come to school the next morning and we're all falling asleep, hopefully you'll remember that we do have 5-6 other classes, each with their own teacher who wants us to succeed with their tests too and so they prepare us the same way. Any child still perky and cheery, is probably a vampire who can't sleep in the first place. Well, I've procrastinated enough on here, although I think this rates up higher on the intellectual scale then video games do.
Goodbye and good(sleepless)night ,
Every teacher in the entire school thinks it's a good idea to load us down with as much as they can to "prepare" us for finals. 'Cause more essays and tests might just decrease our sleep a little less. Sometimes, you have to do more work to get better grades, and teachers seem to look at finals like a special occasion or something, but honestly, you're not the only teacher that wants to add onto my already 10 pound book bag and 15 hours of work. When we come to school the next morning and we're all falling asleep, hopefully you'll remember that we do have 5-6 other classes, each with their own teacher who wants us to succeed with their tests too and so they prepare us the same way. Any child still perky and cheery, is probably a vampire who can't sleep in the first place. Well, I've procrastinated enough on here, although I think this rates up higher on the intellectual scale then video games do.
Goodbye and good(sleepless)night ,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A New Post in Which I Describe Myself
Nothing super exciting has happened lately. School starts tommorrow,whee, finals are in a week or two, the teachers still haven't told us anything about them, and now we have to get up again super early to make it to school on time, thanks so much for making school start at 7:20 school district, we all love you for that. Crud, I'm gonna die tommorrow. Well, yeah. That's life.
Well, I suppose I haven't said too much about me yet other than my rather angry post on my name. Hopefully you haven't read that yet, if you haven't, trust me you really don't have to.
Anyway, I'm a high-school freshman, have red hair, and eyes that change color. No, not all redheads are evil, only some... I'm one of those freakazoids that loves Harry Potter so much they end up on the news. And no, just because I'm loyal to HP dosen't mean I hate Twilight. In fact I love it quite a lot! Another love of mine is a very awesome band called the White Stripes. My poor family is forced to listen to endless Jack White for hours at a time. I love playing guitar, which i have officially played since June '08. I played so much, my parents took a hint and got me Bella Rose, my wondeful acoustic electric. Twilight didn't inspire that one, just simply put the name into my head! She's red, that's where the Rose came from. I also love to do theatre for my city, although I'd love to do more if I could. I love doing musicals (no, they are not all happy and cheery), although I'm totally cool with doing plays too. I'm not in a show as of now, hopefully soon someone will do a show which includes parts for people my age. That would be nice!
I'll write again soon. I'm off to eat my breakfasty dinner which comprises of scrambled eggs and tater totts.
Well, I suppose I haven't said too much about me yet other than my rather angry post on my name. Hopefully you haven't read that yet, if you haven't, trust me you really don't have to.
Anyway, I'm a high-school freshman, have red hair, and eyes that change color. No, not all redheads are evil, only some... I'm one of those freakazoids that loves Harry Potter so much they end up on the news. And no, just because I'm loyal to HP dosen't mean I hate Twilight. In fact I love it quite a lot! Another love of mine is a very awesome band called the White Stripes. My poor family is forced to listen to endless Jack White for hours at a time. I love playing guitar, which i have officially played since June '08. I played so much, my parents took a hint and got me Bella Rose, my wondeful acoustic electric. Twilight didn't inspire that one, just simply put the name into my head! She's red, that's where the Rose came from. I also love to do theatre for my city, although I'd love to do more if I could. I love doing musicals (no, they are not all happy and cheery), although I'm totally cool with doing plays too. I'm not in a show as of now, hopefully soon someone will do a show which includes parts for people my age. That would be nice!
I'll write again soon. I'm off to eat my breakfasty dinner which comprises of scrambled eggs and tater totts.
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